Monday 14 September 2015

Unit 28 P1/M1/D1

This is a simple diagram of how we as independent users connect and use the internet. Below the diagram is an explanation of some of the features on the diagram and some features critical to internet usage.

Web Architecture
ISP- (Internet Service Provider) is an business such as Sky, BT or Talk talk that provides and installs a way to access the internet and this is directly connected with the clients that subscribe to these business by using copper wiring, wireless or by fiber-optic wire installation. Different businesses of the Internet Service Providers may be an Non- profit organization such as county councils or profit organizations like Virgin media.

Web Hosting Services- This allows people or organizations to make and design their own website on the internet. All web host companies provide space on servers that is owned or leased for use by the clients. As well as providing internet connections. This is what they call a "Data Centre", web hosts also provide data spaces and connectivity for other services that are located in the Data Centre, and they may also maintain the day-to-day running of the website.

Domain Structure- A domain structure is a group of computers which maintains its own security and accounts management on a local level, for example the primary domain controller. All logins for local accounts are done within the domain, and it has its own servers for locally logged on users much like our local school network.

Domain Name Registrars- Domain name registrar is an organization that manages the reservation of internet domain names. A domain name registrar must be authorized by a high-level domain registry agency. The management is done in accordance with the guidelines of the designated domain name registries and to offer such services to the public as well as in combination to online laws and laws of the country which it originates.

Worldwide Web- The World Wide Web is a system of linked hypertext documents that are accessed through the Internet. With a browser such as Google or Internet explorer, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia, and navigate between them through hyperlinks.

Hardware- Web browsers are more commonly known as Browsers, and it is a software application gaining access to information resources on the Worldwide Web. An information source will be identified as a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) and this maybe a webpage, image, video or any other piece of informational content available on the web. Hyperlinks are also presented into resources and enable the users to easily navigate their selected browsers to the online resource. Also a web browser can also be defined as a program that is designed to enable easy access for the users to get, send and view information or any other resources that come from the internet such as a user friendly interface that is simple and easy to use, very much like Google chrome.
Web Server- Web Servers can also be referred as hardware on a computer or a software application on a computer. This helps to deliver web content to the user and it can be accessed through the internet, and the most common used of the web servers are called websites like Facebook but other web servers that offer that same as website and they are applications such as 'gaming', 'data storage'. The primary function of a web server is to deliver web pages on the request of the user using the HTTP. This means that the delivery of the HTML documents and any additional content that may be included by a document, such as images or any other content the website produces.

Web 2.0- Created in 1999 and it was a way of describing next generation websites. Although it suggests that the updated version of the Worldwide Web this is a common misconception it doesn't refer to an update to any of the technical specification but they will have changed by the software developers and the users that use the web. A Web 2.0 site allows users to interact and collaborate with others in social networking sites, such as Facebook, such as Youtube which allows users to link and share with many other sites seamlessly.

Blogs- Blogs are discussions or informational online sites that get published on the internet and that these documents consist of entries or posts. Also these are posted in the typically displayed way of being in reverse chronological order meaning the most recent will appear first. Up-till 2009 these posts were posted individually or on occasion in small groups of 3/4 and often covered by the same subject and even more recently 'multi-author blogs', 'MAB's' have been developed and with posts that were written in large numbers of authors and that it professionally edited.  MAB's from newspapers, other media outlets, universities, and think tanks and similar accounts of ever increasing number of blogs being released onto the internet. The rise of Social Networking sites like Facebook helps to migrate the MAB's and single bloggers into societal mainstreams. A blog is comparable to an online biography.

Online Applications- Online Applications or a Web Applications is an application that is accessed by the user that is on a network such as the internet. A Web Application may also mean a computer software application that is coded in a web-browser-supported program language very much like JavaScript and combined with rendering-browsers like HTML. A majority is interactive, allowing users to leave comments and even message each other via GUI widgets on the blogs or by special boxes around the page, and it is this interactivity that distinguishes them from other static websites; also blogging can be seen as a form of social networking. Many blogs provide commentary on a particular subject, others function like personal online diaries, and others function more as online brand advertising.

Cloud Computing- Cloud Computing is the use of computer resources both hardware and software that is delivered as services over networks such as the internet. Also the name comes from the use of the Cloud-Shaped symbol as an abstraction for a complex infrastructure that contains it in the system diagram and Cloud Computing trusts any remote services with the user’s data and software. Users access cloud-based applications through a web browser or a light-weight desktop or mobile app while the business software and user's data are stored on servers at a remote location this is like X-box 360 online cloud data service which allows users to monitor their accounts anywhere.

Protocols- Internet Protocol or IP Addresses are the universally-used form of addressing on a TCP/IP network. These Network-layer Addresses are uniquely eidetic from each of the networks interfaces, these serve as the mechanics by which the data is routed to the corresponding network on the internet, and there will be the correct device on that network to ensure correct operational function. Most people do not realize that there is an additional level of addressing that will occur at the point of the transport layer which is called TCP/IP set above is the IP address. Both of the TCP/IP transport protocols TCPs and the UDP use concepts of ports and sockets for the virtual software addressing and that enable the different functions of many different applications simultaneously on an IP device to work properly as a result it is very critical to the working and operation of the World Wide Web.

SMTP- Short for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, a protocol for sending e-mail messages between servers. Most email systems that send mail over the Internet use SMTP to send messages from one server to another; the messages can then be retrieved with an e-mail client using either POP (Post office protocol)  or IMAP (Internet messaging access protocol). In addition, SMTP is generally used to send messages from a client to a mail server. This is why you need to specify both the POP or IMAP server and the SMTP server when you configure your e-mail application or else it will not work effectively.
HTTPS- Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a communications protocol for secure communication over a computer network, with especially wide deployment on the Internet. Technically, it is not a protocol in and of itself; rather, it is the result of simply layering the HTTP on top of the SSL/TLS protocol, thus adding the security capabilities of SSL/TLS to standard HTTP communication.
In its popular deployment on the internet, HTTPS provides authentication of the web site and associated web server that one is communicating with, which protects against man-in-the-middle attacks. Additionally, it provides bidirectional encryption of communications between a client and server, which protects against eavesdropping and tampering with and/or forging the contents of the communication. In practice, this provides a reasonable guarantee that one is communicating with precisely the website that one intended to communicate with (as opposed to an imposter), as well as ensuring that the contents of communications between the user and site cannot be read or forged by any third party.

TCP/IP- Short for Transmission control protocol/ internet protocol , the suite of communications protocols used to connect hosts on the Internet. TCP/IP uses several protocols, the two main ones being TCP and IP. TCP/IP is built into the UNIX operating system and is used by the Internet, making it the de facto standard for transmitting data over networks. Even network operating systems that have their own protocols, such as Netware, also support TCP/IP. Overall making it a pivotal protocol.

Friday 5 June 2015

Unit 1 M3

I am going to product a short evaluation/report on how different learning styles (VAK) aid personal development. I am also going to use examples from my own experience how different learning styles complete my personal development training. Three main learning styles are
  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Kinesthetic

Visual- Visual learning style, is also referred to as the spatial learning style. This style is a way of learning and getting knowledge by associating information with images. This learning style means that learners must see it first before being expected to know. People with visual learning style are often called visual-spatial learners. Visual learners have specific characteristics that makes their learning easier and more unique. Typically they rather remember what they read than what they hear, are good at spelling, taking notes during presentations, need to have quiet when studying and many other characteristics. Visual learning style also reflects on someones personality and habits. These learners are known to make plans for the future, quiet and sometimes shy; and be organized.

Auditory- Auditory learning is a style in which a person learns through listening, just like visual learning is by looking at images. People like this depend on hearing and speaking as it is their main way of learning. Auditory learners might have problem with instructions when they are drawn rather than said to them, but if the writing is structured well they should not have a problem understanding it. Auditory learners are good at speeches, lectures and any other oral sessions. When reading, auditory learners have a difficult to understand anything without sound in the background. This is why they prefer to read something with TV on, music, people talking etc.

Kinesthetic- People that prefer to do physical activities than listening to a lecture or watching a demonstrations are called Kinesthetic learners or “do-ers”. According to some research, kinesthetic learners are discovery learners as they realize and learn things by doing rather than thinking before any action. Kinesthetic learners succeed more in chemistry experiments, sports activities and acting than in english or maths lessons. In kinesthetic learning, learning happens when the learner is using their body to express a thought.

From the three learning styles (VAK) that I have wrote about, I am probably a visual learner as I learn the fastest by seeing something than by hearing it, or doing it. I do have some habits such as making plans for the future, being a quiet person and being organized which are the habits of a visual learner. I also have some of the characteristics such as making notes, need quiet when studying and I am decent at spelling. I also learn stuff by doing it (Kinesthetic learner) but I have more characteristics and habits from Visual learning style than Kinesthetic learning style.

Unti 1 D1

  • Verbal Communication- Talking to others improves relationship between them and it can sort any conflict, this is why talking to other people is so important. Of course too much talking can lead to not doing work on time or not doing it at all which will have a big effect on grades. I find it hard to concentrate on work when I have people around me as I prefer to talk to someone than to do an hour of writing.

  • Teacher broadcasting demonstration- It is very helpful when a teacher is showing how to do something on a big screen as the tasks are being even more easier as it is shown on screen how is specific task completed than by talking about it. I prefer to have something shown to me than someone explaining in words as I might misunderstand the words and when someone is showing me what to do, I see it clearly step by step.

  • Using Blogger- Blogger is on of the best things that Google Chrome has as it makes marking the work much easier. Most of the teachers want their students to print the copy of the work, give it to them and wait for the corrections. But when using Blogger, a student can just upload his work and wait for the teacher to give feedback with the corrections. By using blogger, it saves teachers and students time as marking can be done faster than usual. I use Blogger to upload my work so my teachers can mark it straight away and tell me what corrections I should do which saves me time.

  • Using Gmail- Gmail is like any other email, which means there is nothing unique about it. The only good thing about Gmail is that it is connected to the google account, so it is easier and faster to go on Gmail than on another email. The main reason why there is more people every day using Gmail is because it is connected to the Google account, and Google account includes many different things which are pretty useful on a daily basis. I use Gmail on a daily basis as I use it for everything. I have also completed tasks while using Gmail as some bits just required to use email.

  • Publishing images (prints screens)- Prints Screens was one of the styles that I have used a lot when doing my ICT work as they presented specific information that maybe I couldn’t describe in words or I just had to show an evidence of me doing something. In my opinion screenshots save a lot of hustle as with just one button, a task can be completed in five minutes instead of describing it just in words for about fifteen minutes. Sometimes a screenshot is placed somewhere else than we want it, which destroys the whole document completely as it is not structured well.

  • Using PowerPoint- PowerPoint is second most used Microsoft document program. It has a lot of options to chose from in order to create a good presentation. Personally, I do not like to use PowerPoint as it is mostly used to present something and I am not a big fan of presenting my work to a group of people. But like written above, PowerPoint is a very solid program that many people use as it has literally every option available. I used PowerPoint once when doing ICT this year when I had to write about many topics with little but key information. In this case it was better to use slides than A4 sheets (Microsoft Word/Blogger).

  • Using Publisher- I didn’t have a lot of experience with publisher but I used it couple of times and I have to say that I am not a big fan of it. Publisher is designed to create leaflets, posters etc. I prefer to just write information on a blank page then designing it and making it look entertaining. When I was using this program I did not know where is half of the stuff or how to use some options. I would prefer to create a leaflet on ‘Word’ than on ‘Publisher’.

  • Using Google Calendar- I had to use Google Calendar recently and it was the first time me using it. I have to say that although it is just a calendar, when creating an event there are many different options to chose. Some of the option is that a description can be added, where is the even going to be, when does the event start and when does it finish. These are options that every calendar has but for me everything is structured much better and easier to use.

Unit 1 P6/M2

Overall the document is pretty good and effective as it has all the information required in order to create a basic presentation in Microsoft PowerPoint 2010. It also has a lot of screenshots which shows what to do step by step. Spelling and grammar is on point, but there could be some changes added to the guide. Change all the little bits in order to create a perfect guide. Things I would need to change are the colour, size and the font of writing.

Friday 22 May 2015

Unit 1 P4/P5/P7/P8/D2

BTEC National Skills audit : ICT


The Kingswood School

Subject Audit:
This Subject Audit is designed to help you review your own ICT knowledge and to identify those areas where you anticipate that you may need support.  Throughout Unit 1 you will need to regularly review the development of your subject knowledge as a vital element in your training experience.

How to assess your knowledge:
In the spaces provided on the following pages please classify your status by ticking against the three point scale:

Advanced: can complete task without thinking
Intermediate: can complete task but has to think about it or ask teacher for a reminder.  This needs to be added to the training plan as a low priority Training need.
Training required: This needs to be added to the training plan as high priority training need.

Initial audit

Word Processing

Level 1

I can open a new document

I can open an existing document

I can save a new document

I can save a document using the ‘save as’ facility and I understand why it is important to do so

I can format a document

I can change fonts

I can spell check

I can insert text

I can insert images

I can wrap around text

I can use templates appropriately

I can use headers and footers appropriately

I can use the Thesaurus

I can format the background

Level 2

I can change the print/page setup

I can paginate a document

I can import external data from other packages

I can use mail merge

I can insert footnotes and end notes


I can search and replace

I can create/format tables

I can use Styles

I can use Word count

Level 3

I can create a customised dictionary

I can create an automatic table of contents


I can create an index



Level 1

I can open a new worksheet

I can open an existing worksheet

I can add new worksheets to exiting ones

I can rename worksheets

I can move or copy sheets

I can add columns

I can add rows

I can delete columns

I can delete rows

I can enter data

I can copy a formula or a data series along a row or a column

I can sort data in ascending and descending order using primary and secondary sort functions


I can format data to show different data types

I can format data to show different data types, including date

I can format data to show different data types, including percentage

I can format data to show different data types, including currency

I can format cells to show bold

I can format cells to show italics

I can format cells to show underline

I can format cells to show font style

I can format cells to show font size

I can format cells to show cell border and shading

I can format cells to show text alignment and positioning within a cell


I can import data

I can create formulas

I can use functions

I can select non-adjacent columns

I can use Goal Seek


I can create charts/graphs and modify them

I can use filters and sort data into order

I can amend data on the spreadsheet in order to get different results

I can  change font size, type and colour in a cell and over a range of cells

I can move cell contents by using the click and drag approach


I can create and edit a graph using the chart wizard

I can rename worksheets

I know how to print formulae

I can preview and print spreadsheets using the appropriate orientation

Level 2

I can cut and paste data and graphs from spreadsheets into other applications

Level 3

I can use absolute cell referencing

I can use relative cell referencing

I can group worksheets to allow consistent editing of cells in a work book


I can use the Paste Special and the Paste Link commands

I can use conditional formatting


I can merge cell contents


Level 1

I can open a new document

I can open an existing document

I can save a new document

I can save a document using the ‘save as’ facility and I understand why it is important to do so

I can format a document

I can change fonts

I can spell check

I can insert text

I can insert images, change font and layout

I can create and run a slide show

I can add animation and transitions

I can insert hyperlinks

I can add timings and animations to a slide show

I can add slides

I can amend slides

I can delete slides

I can create my own backgrounds on a slide

I can use backgrounds that are already created

I can insert graphics

I can use ClipArt

I know how to use animations appropriately

I know how to edit images by cropping

I know how to edit images by resizing

I can view a presentation on a mouse click

I can set up a show to run automatically on timings

I can insert transitions and animations

Level 2

I can create a slide master


I can import sound – KS 4 & 5

I can import video – KS 4 & 5


I know how to present printouts as handouts

I know how to present printouts as notes pages


Level 1

I can send emails

I can receive emails

I can reply to emails

I can forward emails to single recipients

I can forward emails to multiple recipients

I can attach a file to an email message

I can attach multiple files to an email message

I can appropriately set the importance of a message

Level 2

I can use Cc

I can use Bcc

I can use an address book appropriately and can store an address

I can use an address book appropriately and can retrieve an address

I can use an address book appropriately and can use addresses


I can create and use an email signature



Level 1

I can navigate to known websites, and do basic searches

I can save images from a website as required and use them appropriately

I can save text from a website as required and use them appropriately

I can connect to the internet using a URL

I can navigate around a website

I can access and download appropriate information from the internet

I can bookmark websites and add to favourites

I understand the restrictions of copyright

I can use a URL to connect to a website from an intranet


I can use a URL to connect to a website from favourites

I can use a URL to connect to a website from bookmarks

I can use a URL to connect to a website typing accurately

Level 2

I can use Boolean Operators to undertake more accurate searches

I can save video from a website as required and use them appropriately

I can save animations from a website as required and use them appropriately


Desktop Publishing (Publisher or Adobe Indesign)

Level 1

I can open a new document

I can open an existing document

I can save a new document

I can save a document using the ‘save as’ facility and I understand why it is important to do so

I can format a document

I can change fonts

I can spell check

I can insert text

I can insert images, change font and layout

I can design documents from scratch

I can decide which publication to use at the appropriate time; for example, newsletters, worksheets, brochures, etc.

I can use text boxes

I can use Word Art

I can insert tables

I can insert picture frames

I can insert Clip Art

I can use Shapes and Auto Shapes

I can add text

I can amend text

I can delete text

I can use colour

I can format backgrounds

I can format colours

I can format images

I can copy text and images

I can paste text and images

I can move text and images

Level 2

I can use templates

I can use text effects

I can insert tables

I can edit tables

I can reposition tables

I can resize tables

Multimedia (cameras, scanners etc.)

Level 1

 I can use a digital camera

I can use a digital camcorder

I can transfer images from a camera to a computer and edit these images

I can use software to import images into appropriate applications

I can use software to import images into appropriate applications, including Moviemaker


I can use software to import images into appropriate applications, including Publisher


I can crop and change file size and format as appropriate to purpose, e.g. save as jpeg

Level 2

I can use software to import images into appropriate applications, including Photo Editor

I can recognise the difference between different image files, such as vector based

I can recognise the difference between different image files, such as bitmapped

I can use a scanner to import images into appropriate applications

I can use a scanner to capture images


 This screenshot proves that I have used Calendar to save the skills I don't know how to use and find a solution for them.