Thursday 30 April 2015

Unit 1 P1

Description of attitude
Why do employers value this attitude
Hard working
A person that works with commitment and giving his 100%.
Employers will hire employees that work hard as they will do any job giving their 100%, and this is what employers mostly look for.
A person that is not controlled by other or someones authority. E.g. independent worker
Employees should know to make decisions and work independently as employee without independent skill would only be useful only while being supervised or working in a team, which means that they would be a useless member when being on their own.
Making decision and not changing it or returning back from it.
Employers value this attitude as employee that is determined will do anything that is required without returning back even if it’s not easy.
Being able to allow people different opinions or behaviour and not necessarily agreeing with it.
Tolerant employees are very important as it is better to work in friendly environment than arguing with other employees or even employer.
The ability to lead a group of people or organization.
Being a good leader is a very important attitude as team without a leader often fails as there is no one to lead the team.
Being reliable and trustworthy.
Employee must be reliable as if he doesn’t do his objectives well and on task, it might cause serious issues in the company.
Feeling or showing confidence in abilities or qualities.
Employer should have confident employees as they could refuse to do any action because of fear or lack of confidence which could lead to a serious problem for company.
Problem solving
Being able to find solution for difficult issues.
Every company has problems that needs to be solved, that’s why employer needs employees that can cope and solve them.
General attributes (for any job)
Description of attribute
Why do employers value this attribute
Planning skills
Being able to create a plan and covering every step in order to achieve specific objective.
It is important for employee to have good planning skills as everything is planned step by step which means there are no misleadings and everything is done on time.
Organisational skills
Organise and coordinate activities effectively.
Employers value this skill as when employees are not organised, things often get lost as working place is not tidy which could make a lot of trouble for the company.
Time management
Manage time in an effective way so everything is done on time and not in the last minute.
Employees need to know how to manage their time well as if they do not do that, everything that they are responsible for will be left to the last minute.
Verbal skills
Able to use oral communication.
Employers want employees to have verbal skills as this is one of the most important skills that employee should have. If a person does not have verbal skill he will not be able to communicate with colleges from job or with customers in job such as cashier. It is important to speak with appropriate grammar.
Written skills
Being able to write.
It is important that employees have excellent written skills because when they would not know appropriate grammar, they will make mistakes all the time which means they would have to re-do the task or correct it all the time.
Being able to count and add numbers.
Having good numeracy skills is really important as often in a company any job that an employee is entitled to, needs to use at least basic numeracy skills.
Being able to use something original or imagination to create something unique.
Using imagination to create something unique or original is very important as this is the thing that makes an employee stand out as the idea is completely new and different from others, which could be more successful or a complete disaster.
Specific attributes (ICT Job related)

Description of attribute
Why do employers value this attribute
Technical knowledge
Skills and ability to accomplish computer related tasks or other technical such as scientific, mathematical or engineering.
Employers value this skill a lot as an employee has knowledge about specific branch which he could use in order for the company to improve.
Good working procedures
Good working procedures means to complete all the work required on time and without any mistakes.
Good working procedure is a very important attribute as every employee should finish all of his jobs that he is entitled to and without any mistakes.
Health and safety
Being sure of understanding health and safety guidelines such as overloaded sockets, adjustable chair, tiltable screen etc.
Every employee should know the health and safety procedure as without have any knowledge of health and safety, employees might damage their selves or get company into a lot of trouble.
Security such as anti-viruses and firewalls is the most important attribute in ICT Job related as it protects all the data from hackers or viruses.
Employers value this attribute as they want to make sure that every information about their company is protect so hackers and viruses can’t attack or damage the company through the technological way.
Keeping up to date with technology
Keeping up to date with technology is very important as some of the technology might be crucial for specific objective or task. Even buying newest technology makes a big difference in jobs related with technology.
Some of the equipment or softwares can be very crucial for the company and employer, this is why it is always better to keep up to date with technology.

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